February 26, 2010


This week was my last at work for little while.  Rather tidily, my travel card had just enough credit for my last train journey and I finished a novel that I've been reading on the train journey to and from work for the last few weeks.  I'm nervous and excited with anticipation for the birth of Oliver's brother or sister - in a month, things will be very different.

We are trying slowly to organise our home to prepare for the big change.  I'm hoping to get through some of the more practical aspects in the next few days so I can concentrate on some more creative projects.  I'd like to paint a picture for the baby's room, as I did for Oliver, and set up some pretty, soft lighting in the nursery.  And for Ollie, I'd like to make a sun hat using this pattern from the The Purl Bee as a starting point.  I'll need to adjust the size and I'd like to use different colours, something bolder, maybe.

And then of course, there's the list of things I want to achieve before baby arrives... but most of all, I want to be rested and relaxed for the big arrival so that I can once again, savour being mama to a newborn baby.

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