February 15, 2010

encouraging an artist

I loved art and craft as a child and often wonder what I would be doing today had I pursued a more creative path in life.  I'm looking forward to encouraging Ollie to do what he enjoys most but secretly hope that he's inherited my love of all things crafty and his father's creative talent. 

Over the last couple of weeks we've been encouraging Ollie to play with crayons and scrap paper.  So far it's involved taping butchers paper to the coffee table and letting Ollie watch us scribble while he clambers over the table and plays with the crayons.  The last couple of times we've done this, he's avoided trying to eat the crayons (at least to begin with).  He can be easily frustrated by tasks that he doesn't pick up immediately but he's getting the hang of holding onto the chunky crayons and seems to understand that he's the one in control.  It's so endearing watching him learn new skills and I'm really looking forward to seeing his little masterpieces...

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