June 24, 2011

and he married me

Golden Lane, Prague, 29 March 2005
He uses expressions like 'good lord', he loves soccer and not rugby, he likes to ride his bike, he never says no to pudding, he likes a good cup of tea after dinner, he doesn't wear jumpers even when it's cold, he thinks most 'fashion' is ridiculous, he loves the cricket and watches it with the volume down because he knows I don't care for it, he always asks whether we have anything planned before making plans of his own, he is an expert at settling Max when he's grumpy and at reading endless stories to our children, he wants to see the world with me, he makes the best train tracks for Ollie, sometimes he's too laid back, he can be frustratingly disorganised, he never ever raises his voice, he's always keen for a cuddle, he doesn't care much for separating colours from whites, he happily looks after our children when I am working late, he has no idea how much money we have (or rather, don't have), he is loyal, he is responsible but is still the kid he was when we met almost ten years ago, he is terrible with names and his memory is patchy at best, he is the big picture to my detail, he folds laundry without being asked, he does the hoovering, he procrastinates but always seems to get things done, he loves and lives for good design, he loves to read books by highbrow writers but can quote Futurama at the drop of a hat, he cannot live without coffee but gave it up without complaint when we were trying to conceive, he works hard at everything, he is funny (and not in a dad way), he loves his job, he gets cross with the pups but always has a pat for them, he is fair in everything he says and does, he cares about doing the right for our planet and for people, he reads the weekend papers from cover to cover, he knows more about most stuff than he ever lets on and five years ago today, he married me.


Miss Neer said...

lovely stuff Mandypoos

Miss Neer said...

Find me one please!

Deanna LaMotte said...

Wonderful! Though I only met him a few times, I could certainly see the person you describe and also your love for him. We were camping last week so just now seeing this, but wanted to say congratulations on being in love with your husband. It's a beautiful thing. David and I just celebrated our 7th, and it's just getting better (though busier, unfortunately). Big hugs to both of you!

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