Me: Ollie, what would you like on your toast?
Ollie: Ham
Me: How about jam?
Ollie: I'd like ham
Me: We don't have ham
Ollie: How about ham jam?

It's been a while since we cooked anything new, despite this being a resolution way back when. Yet again, we've fallen into the trap of roast chicken on a Sunday night, pizzas on a Friday and the usual bore in between, although last Sunday we did enjoy a slow lamb roast. And although it's not technically a dinner, Will and I did jazz up the week with a dinner of gin and tonics, roquefort and baguette and a rather nice bottle of red wine.
But this week, we managed to make this beautiful, sumptuous recipe of slow braised leeks (using home made chicken stock) and pasta, courtesy of that guy Jamie Oliver. It took a bit longer than I would normally have the patience for after a day at work but it was easy and actually now that I think about it, not really that time consuming (while the leeks are braising you can put the washing out, clean up kids' lunch bags and load the dishwasher). Pasta isn't usually that great leftover, but this dish was a deluxe treat for lunch the next day. So go on, try it, and see how easy it is to knock back a bowl or two after a long day doubting yourself and your abilities.
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