This morning, on Day 4 of the extravaganza that is the Five Day Weekend of Easter 2011, we decided to take the boys (and ourselves) out to the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane. It was the penultimate day of the 21st Century and 21st Century Kids exhibitions that everyone's been raving about and that I've been looking forward to seeing but until today, haven't had the energy (or time) for.
We went to South Bank on the train (a highlight for the boys - not just Ollie, but Max too, who seemed to love the trip home in particular, bouncing around on the seats and giggling all the way), and walked over to the GoMA. Ollie took a bit of persuading that he should walk rather than be carried, but he got into the swing of things once he realised he would be seeing his favourite things - you know, fountains, drains, water features, drains.

And it was seriously very, very cool. It made me remember how much I love wandering around art galleries and museums. I miss the freedom of taking your time looking at everything interesting, and it is so exhausting taking two kids under two and a half years old out to this kind of thing, but it was still great. The kids seem to get so much out of it, it's all new to them and because of that, the experience is new for us too. Max took it all in his stride, didn't complain once about being in the pram for most of the afternoon and I think he genuinely loves to people watch. Ollie must have asked 'What's that?' about a hundred times, and I don't think I knew the answer once, but it didn't seem to matter. He ran around, resisting the urge to touch everything, making the most of what he was allowed to touch (this interactive Lego exhibit was probably my favourite) and not peeing his pants once. Not once.
When we got home, I asked Oliver what the best part about the day was. His answer? The drains.

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