June 24, 2010


(Our wedding day, 24 June 2006 at Tamborine Mountain)

Will and I celebrated four years of marriage today.  We all went out for breakfast, came home for lunchtime naps, packed a picnic and went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary for the afternoon.  Ollie seemed to have a great day, meeting animals, patting kangaroos, bird spotting and generally enjoying himself.  After Max and Ollie were safely tucked into bed, we ended the the day with a big plate of carbonara, a glass of red wine, tea and chocolate.

I like being married.  I like feeling like I'm part of something, a partnership, a future.  Being a parent makes that bond, the decision to spend the rest of your life with someone, even stronger so I'm glad we spent the day as a family.

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